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Corporate Office

Family Credit Counseling Service, Inc. d/b/a Family Credit Management Services

111 N. Wabash Avenue, Suite 1022,  Chicago, IL 60602

Please do not send payments or correspondence to the Corporate office. This will delay processing by several days.  

Call Us

Counseling Department: 877-322-8319 (Toll Free)

Existing Clients: 877-322-8330 (Toll Free)

Creditors: 815-484-1600, Option 3

General Inquiries: 800-994-3328 (Toll Free)

Operations Center

All mail for our counseling, creditor relations and client service teams should be sent here:

4306 Charles Street, Rockford, IL 61108

Our Reviews

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I was overwhelmed with my debt and because of you, I was able to work through it and pay it off and still keep a good credit score and not be hounded by creditors. My creditors were obviously willing to work it out through you and made my life so much less stressful. Thank you for being there!

Debi of Baysfield, WI

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Family Credit Management is the real deal! We found them through a dear friend that highly recommended their services. We've just completed our first year. Our payments (for 8 credit cards) have been cut significantly & so have the interest rates. No more late fees & penalties! The staff at FCM have been so helpful & compassionate. I highly recommend this group if your upside down in debt & have lost hope. They have been a true blessing for me & my family.

Alfred of Lancaster, SC

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My wife and I were under a mountain of credit card debt and we did not know what to do. The advice and payment consolidation assistance we received from FCM has been invaluable. They gave us our life back. We cannot thank them enough. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and it's not a train! With the help of FCM payment plans we were able to payoff over $100K in credit card debt. God bless FCM.

Doug of Novi, MI

Ready to get started?

Our certified credit counselors are ready to help you take control of your debt and finances. Take the leap with us today.

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